Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Carraway Adoption Story

Mike and Jane Carraway, and their daughters Melanie and Katie, adopted Eli into their family in 2007. He was adopted from Russia through a U.S. agency.

The Decision to Adopt

Mike and I had never really considered adoption because we already had two daughters. But, the desire to have a son never left me. One day I just realized that no matter how our children come into our lives, they are gifts from God. Their stories might vary, but they are entrusted to us just the same. It really just felt like a divine nudge!
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27

The Challenges & The Joys

The first great challenge was convincing Mike that this was something that God wanted us to pursue. It took some time, but once we were on the same page, it was full steam ahead. There were many challenges, but I guess the greatest was the need to be patient on God's timing. It did seem to take forever! Then of course, there were the travel woes, the language barrier, and the fact that Eli screamed every time we touched him while we were visiting him in the orphanage.

The greatest joys were the moments he began to let us in emotionally. He allowed us to just pick him up and walk out of the orphanage with him. It truly was a miraculous moment! He had literally screamed every time we tried to love on him before we took him with us. I think he realized that we meant what we had been saying. He was going to be our son!


I don't think adoption is for everyone. I don't think having children is for everyone. But, if you even are remotely open to the idea, adoption is such a wonderful opportunity to be a parent! We've had so many people through the years say what a blessed little boy Eli is, but we think it's the opposite! We are so blessed to have a healthy, smart boy as our son. He has taught us so many things. Adoption is such a beautiful picture of salvation. And, what finally got Mike on the same page as me was the verse James 1:27. He said he just couldn't get past the fact that we are called to do something for the orphans. God doesn't call everyone to adopt, but we certainly aren't supposed to turn a blind eye to them!
(Southern Love Photography)

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